Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The LOU! Challenge begins August 31st...

Truth be told, the Challenge really began in early June (more on that later), but the public blog version will begin Monday August 31st. That will be the first day of my P90X challenge. I'm hardcore serious about this, and the blog will be complete with daily accounts of the workouts, any problems I had, weigh-ins, my diet, results, failures, and successes. The Challenge will culminate with my traveling out of the country to celebrate my 30th birthday sometime in December.

Much like my physique, I'm hopeful that this blog will undergo an incredible transformation under the watchful eyes of Keith and Bradley in the days, weeks, and months to come. I'm using Health as my starting point for this blog and my own life's transformation, but future challenges in the arenas of Wealth and Love have already been planned. One of the themes that we have discussed using is "a life worth documenting is a life worth living," and my goal is to make this a blog worth reading, to boot.

The reason for waiting a few weeks to begin the Challenge is because August is setup month. Outside of reading Rex Parker's NY Times Crossword blog, I'm uber-new to the blogosphere. Apparently, after registering my domain (http://www.lou-davis.com/), I now have to integrate the blog behind it, make it user friendly, decide on layouts, themes, colors, etc., link to Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, YouTube, Twitter, Ning, and 30 other social networking sites that I hadn't already heard of. Nevermind how daunting, I'm very excited about getting it all set up.

In addition to the Lou! Challenges, this blog will be my forum for discussing Lou's often perilous social calendar and dating life, reflections and predictions for the wide world of sports, and discussions on financial markets and real estate. It may not be a one-stop shop on the internet, but it's sure to be entertaining.

That's about all for my introduction to the new http://www.lou-davis.com/. I hope you like the content here as it grows in the future. I'm always excited to read feedback, positive or negative, so please feel free to contact me at lcdavis37@yahoo.com.



Monday, August 3, 2009


We've been stuck at 7 or 8 owners for our Superleague for two weeks now... how hard can it be to recruit for a year-long, 10 draft fantasy league with a $500 entry fee?

A word on anonymity...

Having seen firsthand the damage that an unwanted picture, story or reference on Facebook has created, it will be the policy of this blog to refer to all friends, acquaintances, etc. using aliases.... until permission has been granted to do otherwise. If you would rather have your real name appear in my blog posts, shoot me an e-mail and all stories can be changed.

In a related note, all the fake names were created using the census data from Social Security... I've had a great time trying to imagine some of my friends with names like Jamarian, Titus, Jazlyn and Athena. Hard to believe some of the actual names in the top 500...